Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 52: Oops...

I totally forgot to post last night. As my head hit the pillow to go to sleep I thought to myself, "Oh my gosh, I forgot to do my post for today" and then I promptly fell asleep. Yesterday was such the almost perfect day that I think it just slipped my mind. Rest assured, I did do my workout. :)

I woke up yesterday feeling so energized and motivated. It was a relief because I could not fall asleep the night before and had kind of a restless night. Regardless, I woke up around 6:45 and laid in bed until around 7:15 when Tenley woke up. She must have woke up in the same state of mind because once she ate, she was up and at 'em as well. We played in her room for awhile and I fed her breakfast and then we took advantage of the nice day and went to the park. It was so much fun and she loved it! We walked from our house just down the street to Grove Park and I put her in the swing then let her play by the jungle gym. The lowest rung of the ladder up the jungle gym was a little below eye level and she had a blast pulling herself up, playing in the wood chips, and picking up sticks. We were there for about 40 minutes because it got pretty windy and although she was really bundled up (and it was pretty warm) I didn't want to worsen her cold. She must have had enough because when she came home, she ate and then slept for 2 hours. This was good for her but bad for me because I was not prepared to work out- I hadn't eaten lunch or anything. Once she woke up, we played all afternoon and I was actually able to finish some stuff for her party. John came home around 4 and took Tenley with him to his parents; house so I was able to workout and start dinner. What a great day. :)

I thought yesterday's workout was supposed to be a rest/stretch day but when I looked today it was ACTUALLY supposed to be Kenpo X. It doesn't really matter because I did Cardio X and it felt really good and I will plan on doing Kenpo today. I love these intermediate weeks because the workouts are shorter (no Ab Ripper) and it just adds a little more variety.

On another note, I was feeling so good yesterday morning that I weighed myself and was down a whole pound. The bad thing is that I weighed myself this morning and was up a pound and a half. :( I know I shouldn't have weighed myself today, but I did. Nothing was weird with my eating yesterday, so it must be bloating or something. No matter- I'm hoping that I see that 122.6 or something a little less the next time I step on the scale because that really made my day yesterday.

Another post will be coming tonight- 38 days to go!

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