Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 53: Time is Running Out

As I've been going through the day today knowing that my Kenpo workout was looming, I couldn't help but think that time is running out in this 90 day program. Now, I have no intentions of stopping after the 90 days is up. In fact, I've decided to take a break until after Tenley's party (so I can use nap time for baking) but then I intend to start again and run the P90X Lean program for another 90 days. But, any time I get a glimpse of myself in the mirror (most noticeably my bare belly) I can't help but wonder when I'm going to start noticing a real change. Now I know there has been progress- I can see it on the scale and I can see it physically. But I was really hoping to get some definition to my stomach and arms and I just don't quite see that. I know there are still 37 more days to go, but I'm still wondering if I'm going to be fully happy with the results. Believe me, anything that could get me feeling better about the state of my body around the first of the year is going to be considered a success. I guess my main goal through all of this was to be fit and looking good by my brother's wedding AKA: The Big Beach Vacation. That's not until June, so there is plenty of time. If I can just stick with this, I think it will happen.

Today has been another good day. Tenley has been very content standing around and laughing at herself which has given me time to work on some party things, play with her, and search for a birthday outfit. I had found a really cute one which is here:

When I priced it all out it was going to be $120 with tax and shipping- um, no thank you. I was kind of bummed but then I contacted the girls at Tiny Toes Ribbons and Bows and they can do the custom onesie, a feather tutu, and matching head piece for less than half the price. I am so pumped to go out there an order it because they will sit down with me and I can actually see what I will be getting and have a hand in the design. I also get to pick up the customized headband that they have made for my brother's wedding to go with Tenley's dress. I can't wait!

Now on to the workout portion of this post. Tenley almost went down for a nap at 2:30 or so but when I put her (asleep) in her crib she woke up immediately and started crying. When I looked on the monitor she was standing up in the crib and that means that there is no way she will put herself back to sleep. I went in and stood with her for a bit but she wouldn't fall asleep, so I put her in the swing. I've really been trying to get her to nap in her crib but she is so hit or miss. Sometimes she'll nap in it for 2 hours, sometimes 45 minutes, sometimes 20 minutes, and other times not at all. I don't put her down unless I KNOW she is tired, so I just don't get it. Oh well- at least she is sleeping now and I got the Kenpo X in. It was a great workout and I love it. Tomorrow is another round of Core Synergistics and Saturday is Yoga. We are going to Mom and Dad's for a visit this weekend, so I am hoping that I get those workouts in. I should probably wake up early tomorrow to get the core in, but I am still not 100% positive we are going tomorrow or Saturday morning so we will see.

37 days to go!

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