Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Baby Bean in 3-D!

Dear Baby Bean-

What a great day we had!  I have been so excited for this day to come because we got to see you in 3-D and you are, of course, perfect :)  I'm getting ahead of myself...let me tell you about our day.

Tenley and I were excited for today because Finn came over to play for a few hours while Becky had to get things done.  We had such fun with him playing and eating lunch.  He was here from about 9:30-12:45 and the time went so fast.  We played the elephant/butterfly catching game, tossed around some balloons, and ate chicken nuggets for lunch.  Your sister had a lot of fun with him and I was sure she would pass out for her nap as soon as she left but she refused and decided not to nap today. It's too bad because the rest of the day was super exciting and she was not very well rested.  She didn't do too bad, though.

Grandma Carol and Grandpa Jeff came to pick us up at 3:30 to go meet Daddy at The Belly Factory for your 3-D ultrasound.  The ultrasound technician was so nice and she says you have long eyelashes, very little hair, and weigh around 3 pounds right now.  This means that you have gained about 8 ounces in the past two weeks (if all these estimations are correct) which makes Mommy feel good.  3 pounds is pretty solid if you should decide to come early (but you better not!).  After the ultrasound, Daddy left to go to the Cubs game so Tenley and I rode home again with Grandma and Grandpa.  As we were driving home, Grandma spied a Creamery and we decided to stop for some dinner.  We ate hot dogs and ice cream and it was AWESOME. :)  Your sister fell asleep on the way home which means she is VERY grumpy right now, so we are just trying to make it through until it's time to go to bed.  Overall, it was a great day and I was so happy to see your little face!  Here are some pictures from your big photo shoot:

And, of course, we couldn't go without posting pictures of our first ice cream of the season!