Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 51: Core Synergistics

Today has been a pretty good day. Tenley got up around 7:40 and I brought her back to bed with me to feed her. Just as I was feeling awake enough to get up, I looked down and she had fallen back asleep. She stayed that way for another hour- enough time for me to catch up on The Bachelor from last night. Speaking of last night, we went to John's game and they sadly lost which made it the last game of his season. I know he was disappointed and I wish that his team would have played better but he is a great coach and I hope he knows that.

Tenley and I spent today playing and I worked a little bit on her baby book. I had been shoving things in it for the past 10 months and really haven't written much (which was stupid) so today I started to tackle it. I filled in a lot of blanks and shed a few tears at how fast my baby is growing. As I was working on it, Tenley kept practicing her standing. One time I was SURE she was going to take her first steps because she stood by herself for a full minute and when I said "Come here!" she wobbled like she wanted to take a step but then got scared and plopped down. She is so funny- she learns new things every day and we almost have her giving us a "number 1" when we ask her how old she is going to be. I love it.

Today's workout was Core Synergistics and it was hard yet rewarding. Halfway through John came home (I'm going to have to get used to him coming home early now!) and he has decided to take Tenley to the next step Regional basketball game which is great. Now I have the evening to shower, make baby food, and pick up some essentials at Target.

I think that is all I have for today. Tomorrow is supposed to be an X Stretch day but I felt that this was a TOTAL waste of time last time so I may do the cardio workout. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

39 days left!

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