Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 46: Sick Baby=No Workout

My poor baby is still sick and just seems to be getting worse instead of better. She's still in pretty good spirits, but she woke up with her cough being worse and a really snotty, runny nose. When I called the doctor, they said that I should bring her in which put our busy, busy day in motion.

Before going to the doctor, we met my sister-in-law Carrie for lunch at Panera. I hated to take Tenley out, but Carrie told me that she could go to look at a place for Tenley's party before she had to go to work so we decided to do lunch and then head over to the church. We had a really nice lunch and then found the perfect place for Tenley's party. There is a great hall at the Woodmar United Methodist Church in Hammond and although they didn't have April 21st available they did have the next best thing- April 22nd. So now we have an official date, place, and time for Tenley's first birthday action and I can't wait!

Tenley's doctor appointment went well. The doctor says that her ears look good and her chest sounds ok even with the congestion. He told me to just keep doing what I've been doing and watch for a fever because her current symptoms could lead to an ear infection. I sure hope she is on the road to recovery soon- she looks and sounds so pitiful that it breaks my heart.

Tenley slept for a while in the car on our errands but would not sleep all afternoon. Because of this, I did not get to work out. It is a yoga day, so I don't feel too bad about it. John did say he would watch her when he got home, but I feel so bad for Tenley being so cranky that I'm afraid I would have had to cut it short anyways. Tomorrow is a new day and we have no plans to go anywhere until John's game tomorrow night. My mom is planning to come into town this weekend (hooray!) as long as the weather is OK, so I hope that I can get my workouts in around her being here. I am so pumped that she is coming that I don't really care. Needless to say, I don't think this will be a week of weight loss for me, We won't even talk about what I ate today. :(

44 days to go!

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