Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 27: Busy, Busy, Busy

For the first time since I started this program, I almost didn't get a post written. Today has been a fun, busy day and it is now 9:51 pm- time for bed and for the day to end. I am going to write quickly about today so that there is a "Day 27" entry, but there isn't too much to note.

First the food. Breakfast and lunch were the same as usual. Dinner was terrible. John wanted to go to Balmoral Park to watch the horse races and we had such a good time. Since we didn't want to pay for the buffet (which was $18/person and full of "comfort food") we decided to eat in the clubhouse which, health-wise, wasn't much better. Yes, they had a chicken salad but said salad was pre-made and did NOT look good. So, I chose the alternative deep fried chicken fingers with french fries. Three hours later, my stomach is cursing me. Oh well- it tasted good going down. :)

Today was the last day of the stretch/rest week. It consisted of Yoga X which was pretty good. I am getting more used to the yoga which helps with the dislike. I still dislike it, but at least I know most of the moves now. And I still CAN NOT DO the last sequence which annoys me, but there is still plenty of this program left.

Tomorrow is another busy day with Finn's first birthday party. We can't wait for it, but the day will fly by. At least we don't have Super Bowl plans, so tomorrow night should be pretty calm. Plus, it's a rest day for me! 63 days to go...

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