Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 43: President's Day

Today has felt like a Saturday all day. I don't know what it was. I got up and was determined to get my house cleaned but had a bit of a slow start doing it. That was until I got a text from Betty wanting to know if I wanted to do lunch. Tenley has a bit of a cough and I didn't want to take her out, so I invited Betty over which meant that I went in to power cleaning mode so that the dirt in our house wouldn't swallow her whole. We had a great Butterfingers lunch and a few hours of catching up which was AWESOME and much needed. I love getting time with my friends here and there because it doesn't happen very often. When it does, it pretty much makes my life. So, thanks Bett for making my life today! :)

Eating today has been a bit iffy but not too bad. Breakfast was the usual, and then my Butterfingers lunch consisted of a to-die-for chicken salad croissant, some Baked Lays, and fruit. I made taco pizza for dinner tonight and will probably end up having one of the delicious looking cupcakes my niece Laney baked and brought over to the house today. Laney is not good for my diet. :)

Today's workout was Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps paired with Ab Ripper X. This is the same routine I did on Friday and I really dislike it in a kind of good way. It's really hard and I am nowhere NEAR able to do all of the pushups, but I like that those pushups are paired with weighted exercises instead of with the bands like the other chest workout. All I know is that afterwards I am pooped and try not to pick Tenley up until my arms stop feeling like jelly. I am happy I got this workout in today because Tenley didn't nap at all but John was off of school and took her so that I could do my thing. It was MUCH appreciated.

Tomorrow will be a long day because John has an away game that we cannot go to and I don't plan on going anywhere unless Tenley's cough worsens and we need to go to the doctor. That means that John won't be home until at least 9 and it will be me and Tenley all alone all day. Maybe I should have saved the cleaning until tomorrow...

47 days left!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a day of catch up! I had a blast too! It will be even more fun when Clark is here and he and Tenley can play together! Love you both!
