Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 48: Lemons into Lemonade

Today has started off extremely annoying. I thought our sleepless nights were over (or at least few and far between) but I was apparently wrong. My baby slept like an angel all night- my husband was a different story. For some reason unbeknownst to myself, John was up and about starting around 4:30. He went to the bathroom then came back to bed and was playing games on his phone (or something) that all woke me up. I have become an EXTREMELY light sleeper since having Tenley and it is really hard for me to fall back asleep. When I was just about back to sleep, he got up again to go the bathroom, then came back to bed AGAIN. Finally he got up around 5:30 or so and left the house. I don't know where he went, but I was just about back to sleep again and his alarm went off. The loud, awful alarm that he neglected to turn off. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I decided that sleep just wasn't in the cards and decided to get up at 6:50 to workout.

Today was Kenpo X and it went well. I hate working out first thing in the morning but it is now 9:05, I have worked out, showered, and am playing with Tenley while my mom showers. At least that workout is done for today. See? Trying very hard to turn lemons into lemonade.

42 days left!

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