Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 45: Halfway There

Today marks the halfway point of P90X. If I would have thought about it, I would have weighed myself but it just wasn't in the cards this morning. We had Clara before school again today and Tenley decided to wake up over an hour earlier than usual with barely a nap all day, so it's been a bit rough. Toss in practicing the frosting for the ladybug cookies I want to make for Ten's party and it's been a little more than rough. At least John will be home tonight to help with Tenley because I'm worn out!

Eating today has been close to normal. Breakfast was the same as usual although I think I only had one sip of my coffee. I probably consumed way more frosting than I should have while frosting cookies, but only ended up eating one cookie to see how they taste. Lunch was the same as usual and I am planning on chili and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Overall, not bad.

Today's torture was Back and Biceps with Ab Ripper X. Overall, this is probably my favorite day because I like the bicep workout. I LOATHE the Ab Ripper, but I made it through today and I am happy it's over. It's hard to believe that I've been doing this for 45 days straight and have only missed 3 workouts (plus an Ab Ripper X here and there). I am pretty proud of myself for sticking with this and really look forward to seeing what the end results were. So far so good.

On another note, I still have a sick baby. My sister-in-law Julie is AWESOME and did a Target run for me yesterday so that I wouldn't have to take Tenley out. She brought back a baby vapor rub and a vapor mist that plugs in to the wall. We used both last night and I feel like Tenley sounds worse today because she is kind of snotty. It's all clear snot though (TMI, I know) and I am hoping that things are breaking up in there. She was way more whiny today but I don't blame her- she can't feel well. :( She is sitting next to me now chattering away, so I hope that a nice bath and a relaxing evening will help her.

45 days to go!

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