Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 47: Modify, Modify, Modify

Today has been another hectic day. I don't know how my idea of "hectic" got so far skewed, because compared to a day in the guidance office this was probably a walk in the park. I guess my life really has taken on a whole different shape, and that shape is being a mom. I feel like I am so consumed right now with taking care of Tenley, baking (yes, BAKING), and keeping up the house that I feel like a spazzy version of June Cleaver. A swearing, sloppy, frosting-stained June Cleaver. Like if June Cleaver looked at me and saw that I was comparing myself to her she would take her bobby pins and stab herself in the eyeballs. I don't care though- I'm having a lot of fun with it and Tenley is at such a wonderful age that each day really flies by.

Back to my "hectic" day. Tenley woke up feeling (well at least seeming to feel) better. She was in a great mood and she did something new today: when I asked her "How big is Tenley?" she threw her hands up in the air and smiled. I swear to God that I about wet my pants with pride. It is so AWESOME to see your child learn something new and then get it, actually GET IT, over and over again. Right there on our bed with snot running out of her nose she thew her little arms up and waited for me to scream, "SO BIG!!!!!" All day she would stop what she was doing, turn and look at me, and throw her arms up and smile until I noticed and yelled, "SO BIG!" It has been a cool day. Besides teaching my brilliant child new tricks, I cleaned the house so that it would be presentable for my mom. She is coming around 5:45 tonight and we have to leave straight for John's last home game. It is senior night, and in an effort to practice more cupcakes for Tenley's party I made two dozen chocolate cupcakes, tweaked my buttercream frosting recipe, and dyed the frosting red. They turned out looking pretty good and although my hands are stained red (it looks like I killed someone) John's team should have a treat after the game.

All of this work paired with Tenley not wanting to sleep threw off my workout a bit. I finally got the kitchen cleaned up and Tenley down for a nap a little after three which only left about an hour for a workout. Since today was supposed to be Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X which is a combined total of 1 hour and 20 minutes of torture, I decided that wasn't in the cards. There is one workout I haven't done yet: Cardio X. I thought it was only for people who were doing the "Doubles" program which is what I am doing with an added workout in the morning (CRA-ZY) but when I popped it in today I realized that it is a quick 45 minutes workout that combines Yoga, Plyo, Kenpo, and Core work and can be used as a supplement. Which is exactly what I used it for today. I got my heart rate up, sweated a lot, and feel pretty good. Hopefully tomorrow I will get my Kenpo X in and then we can move on to a rest day Sunday and a week of stretch/core/rest.

On a side note, I weighed myself this morning and I am exactly the same as last week. Which I am OK with since I feel like this week has been wacky and I've been baking (and sampling) cookies, frosting and cupcakes.

43 days to go!

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