Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 26: Such a Blah Day

Today has been such a sluggish, weird day. Even though Tenley slept through the night last night, I slept HORRIBLY. I swear I was awake every couple of hours and it was just not a restful night. To my surprise, we didn't wake up for good until 9:00 which may seem awesome, but it just made me feel even worse and has kind of thrown my whole day off. The weather is gloomy (but no snow, so this is NOT a complaint) and I feel like we are just a bit stir-crazy. It has been nice to have such a relaxed week, but I am itching to get out of this house. Luckily tonight I have plans with my friends for Becky's birthday, so Tenley will go to Julie's and I will get to have a little girl time with someone other than a ten month old. I've been looking forward to this all week!

My only note about food today is that I am totally skipping dinner to have popcorn at the theater. I don't really care- I've put in a good week of working out and I don't feel like sacrificing anything else today. We had an awesome dinner last night of pulled pork sandwiches and although that is what I should probably eat tonight to help get rid of leftovers, I am going to forget it and get the popcorn. And that is all there is to it.

Today's workout was another round of core synergystics and it kicked my butt again. In a good way. I can do every single move and, aside from the pushups, I can do all the reps that they recommend. Tony says that this may end up being my (because he is speaking directly to me, you know) favorite workout because it involved a little bit of everything and he is totally right. No matter how douche-tastic I though he was in the beginning, I would totally invite Tony to a party if I was having one- I feel like I would like to get to know the man behind the muscles. He is a pretty good motivator and, if anyone is thinking of doing this series, he is excellent at talking you through each and every move. Tony is growing on me.

This weekend is super busy so I am happy that tomorrow is my last workout for the week and Sunday is a stretch day. Hopefully I can find the time for the yoga tomorrow. 64 days to go!

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