Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 38: So Far, So Good

After the whirlwind weekend and beginning of the week we had, I thought it would be wise to spend the whole day at home today. I feel like Tenley has been shuffled around so much in the past four days and wanted to instill a sense of normalcy back into our lives. I am so happy that we've had this day at home, because I feel like we have slipped back into a normal routine. Tenley slept really well last night which is a relief considering she hasn't slept in her own bed since Friday. She got up a little earlier than usual, but I'll take it if it means not getting up in the middle of the night.

Eating today is right back on point. Normal breakfast, normal lunch, and just one little waiver of a marshmallow pop. I don't want them to go to waste and they are REALLY good (if I do say so myself). Tonight I will be making steak stir fry with brown rice so that shouldn't be too terrible. John is going to stop and pick up an order of egg rolls, so that probably isn't ideal. Compared to the way I've eaten the last three days or so, this is pretty good.

The P90X workout of the day was Biceps and Back followed by Ab Ripper X. I tried to up my weights in a few places that I knew needed it and I have a feeling my arms will be sore tomorrow. I don't feel like I overextended them and hope that I can up the weight on a few more of the bicep curls next week. I want to make sure that I am doing them right and that I am knocking out enough reps to be "lean" and not for "bulk" as Tony puts it.

Tomorrow I am going to substitute Plyometrics for Yoga. I think I hate Plyo almost as much as Yoga but at least it's a high intensity workout which I feel I need after missing two days. Hopefully I can stay on track the rest of the week. 52 days and counting...

1 comment:

  1. Thought you'd find this interesting since you are doing the P90X. At my bariatric surgery Back on Track class this past Monday night about exercise. The dietician (and I also go to her privately as well)and she actually LOVES P90X. She said she uses it two to three times a year to kick it up and change up her routine. She recommends it to her patients who hit a plateau in their weight and need to change it up. So, keep it up and I'm sure you'll get the results you want:)
