Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 8: Week 2

Today's post is not going to be much different from any of the others thus far. The good news is that I have completed one full week of P90X and came back to start week 2. Good for me! Today was a repeat of Day 1 which meant the awful push-up/pull-up workout followed by Ab Ripper X. I was dreading this workout today because my arms were killing me from that cardio kickboxing workout on Saturday and this is the workout I feel totally inadequate with. Surprisingly, I was able to do a little more this time. I have to admit, instead of the pull-ups I do the band variation (my brother and Tony Horton both swear that it is just as affective) but I was able to way more pushups today than last week which I already consider progress. I was also surprised that I was able to do one of the three moves in Ab Ripper X that I couldn't do last week. I wasn't able to do the number of reps that Tony did, but just being able to DO the move was progress in my eyes.

Eating today was OK, not great....kind of like yesterday. My breakfast and lunch was the same as always and we had a pot roast/mashed potato/corn dinner. The pot roast was really dry (I'm sucking in the making dinner department lately- usually this meal is a specialty) so I didn't eat a ton. But, we still have some of my mom's leftover candy in the house and I snuck a few pieces between yesterday and today. I'm not talking crazy amounts, but definitely enough that I can't say I haven't had any sweets. I also had a glass of wine last night which just felt appropriate with the Golden Globes and I will probably have another glass tonight which feels appropriate because The Bachelor is on. I'm OK with all of this. If I think that the wine is affecting me after this week, then I'm sure I will have drank the whole bottle by then and won't be motivated to open another.

Tomorrow is Plyometrics which means that Wednesday I won't be able to walk. At least when my body is feeling it I know that I've been working which is a good feeling even if it is a painful one. I just hope I can keep it up for another 82 days!

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