Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 17: Sooooo Unmooootivated

Despite the title of this post, things went well today in the personal goal department. It was just INCREDIBLY hard to get my workout in. I'll fill you in below.

First of all, the day started out a little different than usual because my niece Clara came over before school started today. This happens occasionally when my brother-in-law is out of town because he is usually the one that takes Clara to school. Although it means getting up a lot earlier than usual, these days are nice because I have some company in the morning and Clara loves seeing the dogs and Tenley. I think this earlier start (paired with a terrible night of sleep) helped contribute to my feelings of utter sluggishness today.

After Clara left, Tenley and I took our time with her breakfast and getting ready. Once we had both been cleaned and dressed, we packed up, picked up Subway, and went to school to have lunch with Becky for her birthday. That was super fun and it was nice to see some of the awesome students that we traveled to Minneapolis with earlier this fall. As any time with Becky seems to go, it sped by and we were packed up and leaving for home again by a little after 12.

Once we got home, Tenley was extremely crabby so I nursed her and....she fell asleep. Not at her usual time. Which meant that I didn't know if she was going to sleep for 30 minutes or 2 hours so I just laid with her and entertained my new favorite hobby: dreaming up her first birthday party. Tenley decided to sleep for over an hour (maybe even an hour and a half- time flies when you are on Pinterest!) and when she woke up she was an even bigger grump than before. We played for a couple of hours and then I decided to put her in her swing to see if she would sleep so I could get my workout in. Luckily, she cooperated. What I realized is that I should have taken a nap when she did earlier because my tank was empty where motivation to work out was concerned. But, to the basement I went.

I think the one thing that saved me today was that it was my good workout- the shoulders/biceps/triceps workout followed by Ab Ripper X. It was really hard to get started but once I got into it, the time went pretty fast. I was only able to do half of the Ab Ripper X because Tenley woke up, but after my extreme lack of motivation I figured that an hour and ten minutes of working out was probably a victory. I was able to increase the amount of weight I lifted with almost every move today, so that seemed like another accomplishment. I guess we will see if I have toned arms in another 74 days or so.

Eating today was a little off but not by much. Breakfast was the same old cereal and coffee and I had Subway for lunch but stuck with a turkey sandwich on wheat with a little light mayo and veggies, chips, and a drink- not much different from my usual lunch. Dinner was BBQ ribs, salad, and mashed potatoes and I was pretty good with my portions (big salad, little potatoes, decent meat) and no snacks today. My water consumption could probably be a little bit better, but we'll try that for tomorrow.

I have now had to move myself and my computer across the floor of Tenley's room 10 times because she has crawled to me that many times and tried to contribute to this post. I think my time is running out. :) 73 days to go!

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