Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 5: Busy, Busy, Busy

Today was such a fun day but a little difficult to get my workout in amongst all of the activity. I woke up naturally about an hour before Tenley usually gets up and my brain said, "Get your butt out of bed and get your workout over with" while my heart (and aching body) said "Just stay nice and cozy until the baby gets up." Can you guess which one won? Yup- aching body every time.

Today was the open house for our awesome guidance secretary who is leaving school next week, so Tenley and I had made plans to grab lunch for the department and go in to school to visit. We had such a nice time seeing everyone and had the added bonus of hanging out with Becky (shout out!) at the end of the day. We then had to run a few errands and by the time we got home, it was already 3:10 and I still had a baby to feel and put down for a nap. Once that was taken care of, I took to the basement to get my butt kicked for the fifth day in a row.

Today's workout in P90X was Legs and Back plus that God awful Ab Ripper X. When I saw that legs were involved, I silently wept to myself because, as of this morning, my legs have felt like they might give out at any second. I knew that this workout would bring lots of squats and lunges (reminding me of Beth's BLT when I was a spry young thing) and I knew I was in for it. And I was right. So in for it, in fact, that I stopped exactly halfway through because of pain and time constraints. John has a game tonight and in order to workout, shower, get Tenley fed, and be ready by 5:30 there was no way to fit in a full hour and 15 minute workout. So I stopped after 33 minutes and did the full 16 minutes of Ab Ripper X...all in all, still over a 45 minute workout which is 45 minutes more than I was doing last week.

For my eating, I tried to be good today even though we went out for lunch. I still had my cereal and coffee for breakfast and then had an egg salad sandwich and baked lays for lunch (no french fries!). I realize the egg salad may not be the healthiest choice since it weighed 500 pounds and is crammed with mayo (I would imagine) but I had it on wheat bread and already sacrificed the fries. Since John has a game tonight, I am planning to have Subway later on this evening.

I cheated today and stepped on the scale and was a little bummed to only be down a pound. Then I remembered that I weighed myself on Day 2, so it's only really been 3 days. Double plus if I would lose a pound a week during this whole P90X experiment, I would be down 13 pounds and that is well past my goal. So...85 days to go.

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