Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 12: A BAD Food Day

I am feeling kind of ashamed of myself right now. I have been doing so well these past two weeks with my eating and today I have blown it a little...and with my parents coming this weekend I don't see it getting much better. Breakfast was the same as usual- coffee and cereal. But, last night my boss let me know that they were ordering in Edwardo's (my FAVE pizza place) for lunch for Linda's official last day and wanted to know if we wanted to come in...her treat. Who can turn down free Edwardo's? Not this girl, apparently. I'm so glad that we went in because I love my coworkers, but while I was loving my coworkers I was also eating my entire salad (with limited ranch dressing) and my whole personal size thin crust pizza. I had told myself that I was only going to eat the salad and half the pizza, but I was so busy talking and feeding Tenley that I was on my third piece before I knew it. Now I know I could have had stuffed instead of thin which would have been worse or eaten all my dressing or whatever as excuses to make me feel better, but I just feel rotten.

When we got home, Tenley was ready for her nap. I was NOT ready to workout and almost skipped it because of my full stomach but decided that if I didn't do it now, I wasn't going to do it and I REALLY want to see this 90 day program through. Tenley slept and I did Legs and Back. This is the workout that I only did half of last week because of time constraints, and I managed to do the full hour today. It falls in the middle of the pack for me- I don't loathe it but I don't necessarily relish it. I have not done the Ab Ripper X yet today and I don't know if I will...Tenley is waking from her nap as we speak and I don't know if I will get an extra 16 minutes to myself today. I think John's game is cancelled due to weather, so maybe I will get it in when he comes home...?

What really annoys me is that I was banking on eating Subway tonight because we would have gone to John's game which would make me feel a bit better about the pizza. Now I don't know what I will do. If I could just make myself eat my normal lunch meal for dinner tonight, I might be in good shape. We shall see. Sigh...78 days to go!

PS- I am dreading my weigh-in on Sunday :(

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