Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 4: Sick but Working Through It

Today was another good day in the personal goal department but pretty hard everywhere else. John and I are both sick and although he has it worse than me right now, I'm afraid that I am right behind him. I keep telling myself that I can deal as long as Tenley doesn't get sick. She has been the picture of health (knock on wood) up to now without a cough or even a sniffle. I would like to keep that trend going if at all possible. She has broken her nursing strike, so at least that was back to normal today and I was able to leave my pump on the shelf.

My eating today was pretty good. Cereal and coffee for breakfast, my standard turkey sandwich/baked Lays/yogurt/Diet Pepsi for lunch and kind of a weird dinner. I'm so stuffed up that dinner didn't even sound good and turns out, it wasn't good regardless of whether I could taste it or not. I pulled a coop dinner that didn't have a label up out of the freezer and thought I would give it a try which ended up being a mistake because John only ate two bites and I only ate a little bit. I sucked in the dinner department tonight but not in the consuming calories department...just in every other way. :( On a good note, I have been trying to drink more water lately which is something that I have really gotten away from since giving birth. I used to consume loads of water, even before I was pregnant but now I seem to let myself get dehydrated. Over the past week, I have made sure that my water bottle is always nearby and fully stocked. And it feels good.

As for the workout, I did it even though I feel like crap. Today was Yoga X and, for anyone who has ever done P90X, you know that Yoga X is forty five minutes of hard yoga and 45 minutes of straight posing. Now, I conferred with my brother who has gone through this program and he said that on the Yoga day, he would either do the hard yoga OR the poses OR a little of both. I did all of the hard yoga (save for the past five minutes because I just COULD NOT get my body to bend that way) and a few of the poses. I hope to work my way up to doing the hard yoga solidly and maybe doing the poses if the yoga gets easy...which I don't see happening. I have never liked yoga and I still dislike it after today. It is hard, but during the process I felt that my muscles were getting a well-needed stretch which I loved. The only thing was after a shower and playing on the floor with Tenley I feel like my whole body from the waist down is going to dissolve into smithereens. Luckily this has not happened yet, but we shall see what tomorrow brings.

All in all, things are going well. I am hoping to weight myself on my rest day which this week falls on Sunday. I might jump on the scale tomorrow morning just to see if anything has changed. Fridays have historically been my weigh-in days during the times that I am trying to stay on track and old habits die hard. But, since I am really trying to do this this time, maybe I should have just a little more willpower...I guess I'll see how I feel in the morning.

Tomorrow should be a good day as long as Ten and I are both feeling OK. We are picking up Lincoln's and going in to have lunch with the Guidance Department (PLEASE let the roads be clear by then!) and then John has a game tomorrow night. I hope I am able to post but if not, I will get tomorrow and Saturday in on Saturday. 86 more days...

1 comment:

  1. You rock! Being sick is the worst, but at least you know that since she broke he strike, Tenley is getting all of the antibodies that your body is producing! When i did P90X I hated Yoga with a passion, it made me want to slit my wrists, so I give you props for even making it through it! :)
