Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 7: A Day of Rest

Day seven is over halfway done and it has been great! I love that P90X builds in a rest day and that for me, it should fall on Sunday every week if I can stay on track. Sunday has never, ever been a good day for me where workouts are concerned and I can bet you that I wouldn't have worked out today even if I was supposed to. So, all in all, this is perfect. I had my routine cereal-and-coffee-breakfast followed by the usual turkey sandwich/baked lays/yogurt/diet coke for lunch. My water consumption has not been very good thus far, and I need to pick that up throughout the rest of the day. When I stepped on the scale, I found that I am down about 2 pounds from the first time I weighed myself. Although I am used to seeing bigger results during the first week of a slim down, I am sticking with the fact that I am more interested in getting toned than losing a ton of weight and hoping that P90X will do the trick. I'm sure that movie popcorn last night didn't help, but it was totally good and I'm not ashamed of it. :)

Tomorrow I will start days 1-6 all over again with good ol' Tony. I was going to try and write my thoughts on him in today's post but I am really not feeling motivated to be witty today so I am going to leave it at this. If I find that motivation somewhere, maybe it will be a two post day. I'm not counting on it, though because tonight is the night of the Golden Globes and I plan on fully enjoying this, my favorite awards show. So I am going to fully enjoy this restful day and look forward to the next 83.

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