Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 21: A True Day of Rest

I am actually living a dream right now. It is 2:35 on a Sunday afternoon and I have the house entirely to myself. The only thing I have to do this afternoon is Tenley's laundry, and other than that I am free to surf the internet, watch bad TV, and sleep. John has taken Tenley to a basketball game and (possibly) dinner with a friend which gives me the longest span of free time I have had to myself in over 9 months. I know that I will be itching for Tenley when she comes home, but for right now I am trying to figure out just how I want to spend this time. The even better part? I don't have to work out!

I weighed myself today and I am down another half pound. It is what I expected given the fact that this program doesn't really seem to aim towards taking off a ton of weight; it's more about getting toned, building muscle, and being in the "best shape of your life." I have mixed feelings about this morning's weigh-in:

- I am 125.6 pounds which means that I am exactly 1 1/2 pounds more than I was the day I found out I was pregnant. I guess this means that I am almost back to "normal"

- I in no way feel like I look like my previous "normal"...which could have to do with being pregnant and my body shifting around...? Also, I think I took for granted the shape I was actually in before getting pregnant.

- I was 125 pounds in grad school when I looked at myself and said, "Girl, you have to get it together and do something about yourself"

- 125.6 pounds is a perfectly normal weight for my height and I feel more excited about how my body might tone up rather than what the scale says

Overall, I am just happy that I am losing anything because anything is less than I have weighed (well, almost) since August of 2010. If the last three weeks have taught me anything, it is to try and be better about eating and exercising in my next pregnancy. I know the old saying, "9 months to put it on, 9 months to take it off" which is kind of true in my case since Tenley is a little over 9 months and I am almost back to my pre-baby weight but it could have been a lot easier and sooner if I just would have been better about it in the first place. Part of me wouldn't take back one cookie, though because for once I was concerned with something that was bigger than me and I allowed myself and my body to have a BREAK. I do feel better now that I am back at it and am interested to see what this new week has in store as far as P90 X is concerned. We are officially out of the 70s...69 days to go!

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