Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 3: Hangin' Tough

Although I wish this post had more to do with the NKOTB and not exercise, it sadly does not. Today was a much better day all around and it is amazing how much easier it is to eat healthy and workout when your day is going well. Tenley and I had absolutely no plans today, so that helped in the grand scheme of things.

We got out of bed around 9 (yes, Tenley slept through the night AGAIN!) and took our time eating breakfast and playing. After an extremely short 30 minute nap, Tenley decided that she wanted to play more. We read books, shot some hoops, and played with the dogs. When it was time for lunch, Tenley decided that she wanted to eat what Mommy was eating, so she had some wheat bread and applesauce. This newfound interest in anything food-related is not helping the fact that she will not nurse. It is now 8:19 pm and the girl has not nursed since 9 this morning. She has eaten solids 4 times, but anytime I offer her the goods she turns away. I'm not too worried because she is eating well otherwise but I may call the doctor tomorrow just to be sure. I digress.

The best part of our day came when I received a call from Rachel that she was free for the afternoon and she came over for a good 3 or 4 hours. I was afraid that we weren't going to be able to touch base with her this week before she goes to Ireland, so it was really good to see her and her in-utero tater tot. Shortly after Rach left, Tenley decided to take a nap and that's when the workout began.

Today's torture of choice in the world of P90X was a one hour shoulder/bicep/tricep workout followed by my favorite: Ab Ripper X. I actually don't mind the arm workout; they take everything slow and the hour goes pretty fast. The problem will be tomorrow when I can't lift my child. The good thing will be that I won't be able to lift a fork to my mouth either, hence helping my food goals. The Ab Ripper X was slightly (and I mean VERY slightly) easier today but there are still 2 moves that I just absolutely can't master. I look at the TV and say "Screw you, Tony. I'm doin' my own thang for this minute of agony." Thank God that bastard can't talk back- I already want to punch him in the face every time I see him. If anyone has done or seen P90X, you have seen Tony Horton. He is the leader of the CD's and I have a love/hate relationship with him. I will describe it when I have more time...maybe on my "rest" day. :) Overall, today's workout was a good one.

The food went well again today. No snacks at all, mainly because I didn't have time. I made John and I vegetable stirfry with a little bit of steak and brown rice for dinner, so I feel that this dinner was the healthiest yet (aside from the egg rolls he picked up on the way home.) I still feel that if I can eat a decent breakfast and lunch every day, the dinner should be ok as long as it's not out of control. I guess we will see if that needs modified after a few weeks. I just know that I am proud of a few things:

1. I have managed to work out for three days consecutively
2. I have stopped eating cookies with breakfast (or at any other time of day to be exact)
3. I feel like I have more energy

Hopefully this will all continue through tomorrow. Only 87 more days...

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