Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 20: Feeling Good

Today has been a pretty good day overall. Tenley and I picked Betty up at a little after 10 and we went to the mecca for moms and moms-to-be: Babies R Us. That place never gets old to me. It was overwhelming when I first started going there, but I feel like an old pro. Like I could be the tour director for baby registries. Which I have done and really like to do. :) We had a nice time getting tater tot's shower gift and looking at stuff for Clark's registry. Tenley scored some jars of baby food and drawer locks so although she probably doesn't feel like she hit the jackpot with those items, I am happy that we were able to pick them up.

Betty and I decided to go to Chili's for lunch. Chili's has one of my all-time favorite salads: the quesadilla explosion salad. Yum! I was hoping that they made it in half sizes but the waitress said that wasn't possible, so I got it with the ranch dressing on the side. Luckily (for my diet) and unluckily (for our conversation) Tenley wasn't really having the whole sit-down-and-eat thing so I feel like I spent more time dealing with her than actually eating. This meant that the salad did not come close to getting finished which is OK by me. The not ok by me part is that I actually ate two of the four quesadilla triangles which I probably should have done without. I am not sure what dinner is going to bring, but it may either be Subway or the standard lunch option. Hopefully it won't bring pizza or anything else that will leave me feeling bad.

I was able to get my Kenpo X workout in today, even though it was a little later than usual. John was napping so there was no one to leave Tenley with until she decided to nap which wasn't until 4:00. I really like Kenpo X because it goes SO FAST. The 11 minutes of stretching in the beginning are ridiculous and it almost turns me off to the whole workout. But, once the actual action starts, I don't find myself looking at the time much. This is the only workout that doesn't tick down the time for each move; instead, there is just an overall timer at the bottom of the screen. I like this better because I find myself not referring to the time when I'm not telling myself, "How much longer do I have to hold THIS move for?" and it helps a lot. The other thing about this workout that I like is that you really sweat a lot. When I get done, I don't feel overly exhausted like I do with the lifting workouts but I am very sweaty and my heart rate is nuts-o. It's a great way to end the week of workouts.

As stated before, tomorrow is a rest day and I am looking forward to doing nothing. Monday starts a week of new stuff but only or one week; it's a rest of sorts before three more weeks of butt kicking. Hopefully the scale will reflect a little bit of my work this week. We shall see tomorrow- 70 days left!

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