Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 16: Such a Busy Day!

Today has been a bit crazy but nothing we can't handle. Tenley slept in this morning so we got a bit of a late start and all of the day's activities centered around her 9 month checkup and then John's makeup basketball game. Luckily, things went smoothly and, so far, everything has been accomplished. Tenley's doctor's appointment went well even though we were in the waiting room for 45 minutes. She was patient and did great. She has gained another 2 pounds and has grown another 2 inches so she seems to be right on track. I love that baby's guts!

Eating has been the same old, same old today. I will end up having a really late dinner since we have to leave for John's game soon and I am going back and forth about getting Subway after the game or just eating leftover sloppy joes and mac and cheese. We have a lot of the joes left and just a bit of mac and cheese, so that's probably the route I should go. We shall see.

Working out was fine today. It was the dreaded day of Plyometrics and as I was doing the first ten minutes every bit of me was screaming, "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!" but I stuck through the whole hour and felt super good after. I am kind of annoyed that I am starting to memorize the routines and know what comes next which makes me anticipate things in a bad way (in two moves we have to do squat jacks? NOOOOO!). It's probably a good thing that this is the last week for this sequence of workouts and that next week is entirely different.

Tomorrow is the good day- all arms. Hopefully it will go as planned. 74 days to go!

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