Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 11: Yoga, Schmoga

Today has been a pretty great day when it comes down to it. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but Tenley and I had no place to be and she was in a fantastic mood all day which always makes a day at home more enjoyable. I have learned that my parents are going to be visiting this weekend from Saturday to Sunday (which makes me incredibly, over-the-moon happy) so I started cleaning today for that visit since I have learned that being a mommy also means being unable to do massive cleaning jobs all at one time. Our house was cleaned pretty well just this past weekend, so thankfully all I really have to do is dust and sweep most of the house plus clean the kitchen and bathroom. As of now, all three bedrooms are very clean and smell that way which is always a single of cleaning success. I even have most of the laundry done, so I would say that it has been a productive day.

My eating today has been the same as usual. I notice that once I get into a routine, it really becomes that- a routine. I've noticed this about myself for years, but I can go day to day eating the exact same breakfast and lunch combinations and really not get sick of them. Dinner is a different story, so I am happy that on my self-made plan dinner is a little more liberal. I did OK last night sticking to two decent size pieces of Taco Pizza and only one helping of rice. Also, NO chips and salsa. No wine either. I did have three pieces of candy though, but I'm not beating myself up about it at this point. Tonight we are having tater tot casserole, crescent rolls, and salad so it's going to be carb city. Again, I think that if I go heavy on the salad, easy on the portions and REALLY forgo the candy and wine I will be just fine. We'll see.

Today was the dreaded Yoga X workout. It was really looking like I wasn't going to be able to workout until John came home because Tenley just did not seem tired. She took a longer morning nap today and, on top of that, didn't start that nap until well after 11:30 so I was afraid she wouldn't want to nap at all. At 4:15, I tried to take her downstairs with me to do my workout but that lasted all of 5 minutes before she started rubbing her eyes and fussing. Into the swing she went and she has been happily sleeping there ever since. As far as the workout goes, it wasn't as bad today as it was last time. I really feel stretched out which is nice and the moves were a bit easier to get the hang of. I still cannot do the last sequence of moves for the life of me, but hopefully that will come with time. I was able to do part of it on one side but my balance is crazy whacked out and I have noticed this since being pregnant. I don't know if anyone else who has had a child feels this way, but I feel that once I found out I was pregnant my sense of balance went out the window and hasn't returned. Leave it to Tony Horton to be the one who brings it back. Yuck.

So I have officially completed 11 days of P90X which means that I can finally leave the 80s and say...79 days to go!

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