Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lean Day 4: Gearing Up for a Good Night

Today has been a really good day. Still no poop in sight for my child, but she slept a bit better last night and was in a great mood all day. I called the doctor about her bowel issues and they told me to increase her medication and to call them in a few days. It is beyond me why these people aren't more concerned- I feel like I need to take her to their office as she is going so that they can hear the gut wrenching cries that come out of her. It is so sad. It is even more worrisome that she hasn't gone in going on three days, especially now that I have doubled her medication. Yikes. I just hope she feels OK. John and I are getting ready to go downtown for the Parliament Funkadelic show at Cubby Bear and, as I write this, I am realizing that I should be in the shower. Instead, I am blogging while pumping. I DESPISE pumping and know that I am lucky that I don't have to do it very often. That still doesn't make the times I do have to pump any better. I really don't get a lot anymore when I pump which makes me wonder how much Tenley actually drinks when she nurses. She only nurses at morning, before her nap, and at night and I really don't thing she gets much. I've tried whole milk with her a couple of times and she just wrinkles her nose at it so I think it might be time to get a little more aggressive. What she eats and drinks is slowly becoming my new obsession. Along with her poop. Sigh. Although we are having kind of a random night, I was able to work out once John came home from work. I substituted Cardio for Yoga tonight and am glad I did. Then I blew it because we ordered a quick pizza for dinner. Oh well- at least I worked out. Sorry for the randomness of this post but I am not fully concentrating and I HAVE to get in the shower now! 86 days to go...

1 comment:

  1. Reagan could never drink whole milk, it was too rich for her. I did 2% (still do) and she was much better with that. I think the whole milk was too rich for her so the pediatrician said the 2% was fine. Tenley gets more milk than you realize when she breastfeeds - once Reagan hit the one year mark, and I decreased my pumping, I never got much either. The babies somehow just know how to get all they need from the breast, which still amazes me. Hope poor Tenley poops for you soon, poor thing!

