Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I've Lost My Motivation...and Wish I Could Hire Someone to Find It For Me

I suck. I'm just putting that out there. I have lost all motivation to do anything worthwhile. Before you go and think that this is some half-assed attempt at a suicide note, let me assure you that I don't even have the energy for that. I don't know what my problem is but I do not want to do anything but lay in bed, watch TV, and eat. If my life consisted of those three things and only those three things I think I would be in my own personal version of heaven. I may be 100 pounds heavier, never shower, and have chocolate stained clothes, but no one in Heaven would care. Instead, I have to get up, go to work, try to find a way to make myself exercise, and do other mundane things like feed my dogs so that they don't die and call my family members so that they know I'm still alive. Not a real rough life, I know, but just not all that exciting.

I blame my lack of motivation on the approaching end of the school year. I CAN NOT WAIT until this year is over. I can't wait until I can kiss my struggling seniors, rotten attitudes, and Gold Star goodbye for two blissful months and concentrate on the people and the things I love for awhile. All of the negativity surrounding work is really bringing me down and it is so close to the end that I can almost taste it. And it tastes like a big, fat chocolate Dairy Belle cone with chocolate sprinkles. The best taste imaginable.

Until this year ends, I am going to cling to the things that I love. Those things include my husband (who can usually cheer me up with ice cream or rap lyrics), my dogs, my friends, and, best of all, any one of the following: Chelsea Handler, Gossip Girl, Gia from the Real Housewives of New Jersey, Glee, 90210, Lost, The Hills, The City, America's Next Top Model (not including any part where Tyra shows her face), The Office, The Vampire DIaries, The Soup, and Kendra. If those aren't reasons to keep on living, I don't know what are.

Sorry for the lame post. I am wasting time until John is ready to watch Lost. After which I must turn out the lights, catch some sleep, and roll out of bed to yet another blissful day at MHS proctoring yet another AP exam and delivering bad news to seniors about grades and test scores. Booooo.

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