Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 30: A Major Milestone

Well friends, I have made it. I am officially 1/3 of the way through this P90X program and, as I stated yesterday, am thrilled that I have lasted this long. The other thing I'm thrilled about? It hasn't been that difficult to keep up with it and I have no intention of stopping. Major victory.

Since it is Day 30, I took some pictures today and although I will not post them here (yet) I am happy to say that I can see some improvement. I am not ripped by any means, but there isn't as much baby flab as there was before and things are looking a little more contoured. I put on my swimsuit that I wore this summer and the bottoms are a little big which is encouraging. I am not ready to go out in that swimsuit again just yet, but I felt like doing a little happy dance in the privacy of my own home.

Eating today has been a bit iffy. Breakfast was the same, but then we went to the grocery store and I picked up the ingredients I needed to make a Reese Cup banana bread recipe I found on Pinterest. I have had some old bananas that either needed using or tossing, so I thought if I just picked up the Reese Cups I would have everything I needed. That banana bread baked beautifully and (of course) I had to have some for lunch. It tasted decent, but seemed like it was missing something. Which is good because it didn't leave me dying for another piece. The bad news (besides the calories) is that it left me feeling sick-ish all afternoon and you can bet that when the time rolled around to do Plyometrics it was the LAST thing on earth I felt like doing. But I did it. And everything stayed put.

So today was Plyometrics and I really don't like this workout. I don't like it because it is HARD but I sure do like now I feel at the end. I woke up SORE today from all of those pushups yesterday, so it was nice that my arms got a break and my legs took the beating today. I am not looking forward to how I will inevitably feel tomorrow, though. I think tomorrow is another new workout and I hope that it is similar to the previous Wednesday workout because I liked that one. Lots of weights concentrating on biceps and triceps. We shall see what tomorrow brings. It feels so good to say this- 60 days left!

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